Modelling Circular Shaped High Gain Patch Antenna for Biomedical Application
With the rise in healthcare industry and biomedical engineering, biomedical telemetry has enjoyed a rich diversification in research and patents. Implanted Biomedical Devices (IMD) have become immensely popular and these devices play a vital role to monitor the patient with the help of wireless telemetry. While there has been progress and various research works has been carried out in the field of wearable antenna for biomedical purposes, few are convenient and easy to build and fabricate. In our work we will try to find and explore the most convenient and simple process to build a high gain microstrip patch antenna either by using superstrate, metamaterial, FSS or by building a patch of different shape. For building a biomedical antenna, we have to take into account the size, weight, radiation, material of the antenna, and which part of the body it will be mounted on. Taking everything into consideration, our aim is to design a simple, non-complex, convenient high gain patch antenna for biomedical purposes.
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