Performance Analysis of CLC Integrated GT Power Cycle: Effect of Cycle Operating Parameters

  • Wasim Akram National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur 831014, India
  • Prof. Sanjay National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur
  • Dr M A Hassan National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur
Keywords: CLC, Oxygen carrier, Gas turbine, carbon capture, sequestration


Chemical looping combustion (CLC) has emerged as a novel combustion technology for power generating stations and industrial applications with inherent CO2 capture, which avoids energy penalty being imposed as compared to its competing technology. CLC is an indirect combustion technology taking place in two reactors namely air and fuel reactors, transfer of oxygen takes place between reactors with the help of metal oxide as an oxygen carrier. Here, hydrocarbon fuel reacts with metal oxide in the fuel reactor producing CO2 and H2O streams as products which subsequently expanded to a CO2 turbine, where after the H2O is separated by condensing and CO2 is available for industrial purposes. Reduced metal oxides which transfer to air reactor react with O2 (from the air) and re-oxide themselves for next subsequent cycle. The CLC system essentially replaces the gas turbine and exhibits added advantage of separating oxidation products CO2 and H2O (exiting fuel reactor) which is free from NOx. Depleted air (N2 + excess O2) exiting from the air reactor is the working fluid for the expansion turbine generating power.

This article reports the potential of a CLC integrated gas turbine-based plant as an alternative for a conventional gas turbine plant. CLC system uses CH4 as fuel and NiO as an oxygen carrier operating between 1100-1300oC to compute the performance. The performance of the CLC integrated plant is computed by varying parameters such as turbine inlet temperature (TIT), and compressor pressure ratio (rpc). In the proposed cycle configuration maximum electrical efficiency achieved is 35.88% at 1450 K and rpc=18.

Author Biographies

Wasim Akram, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur 831014, India

Mechanical Engg. Dept.

Prof. Sanjay, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr M A Hassan, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur

Department of Mechanical Engineering


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How to Cite
Akram, W., Prof. Sanjay and Hassan, D.M.A. 2022. Performance Analysis of CLC Integrated GT Power Cycle: Effect of Cycle Operating Parameters. IIChE-CHEMCON. (Apr. 2022). DOI: