Analysis of Thermal Damage in Biological Tissue during External Step Heating Using Non-Fourier Bio-Heat Transfer Model – A Finite Difference Approach

  • Jnanaranjan Acharya National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam
  • Aishik Dinda NIT Silchar
  • Dr. Dipankar Bhanja NIT Silchar
  • Dr. Sujit Nath NIT Silcnar
  • Prof. Rahul Dev Misra NIT Silciar
Keywords: Thermal relaxation time, Dual-phase lag model, Henrique's burn model, Finite difference method


The present work focuses on the thermal damage in living tissue under an external step-heating exposure. A Non-Fourier type of bioheat transfer model, including the effect thermal relaxation time due to thermal inertia and microstructure of biological tissue, has been adopted to investigate the thermal damage. A trainsient blood perfusion rate has been taken at different locations of the body in this analysis. Considering all of the transient PDEs, the implicit Backward in Time and Central in Space (BTCS) framework has been used to create the necessary finite difference equations. Burn integral relation proposed by Henriques, has been undertaken to predict second-degree and third-degree burn time. Finally, a comparison is proposed for three different bioheat transfer models like Penne's, Thermal wave, and Dual-Phase Lag (DPL) models to illustrate the effect of different relaxation times on thermal damage.

Author Biographies

Jnanaranjan Acharya, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam

Research Scholar

Aishik Dinda, NIT Silchar

Research Scinoiar

Dr. Dipankar Bhanja, NIT Silchar

Associare Professor

Dr. Sujit Nath, NIT Silcnar

Associare Professor

Prof. Rahul Dev Misra, NIT Silciar



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How to Cite
Acharya, J., Dinda, A., Bhanja, D.D., Nath, D.S. and Misra, P.R.D. 2022. Analysis of Thermal Damage in Biological Tissue during External Step Heating Using Non-Fourier Bio-Heat Transfer Model – A Finite Difference Approach . IIChE-CHEMCON. (Apr. 2022). DOI: