Nuclear Waste Management

  • GAGANA M B Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Nuclear waste, Radioactive, Energy, Radiation, Technology


In recent years waste management has become a huge challenge to the global community. Nuclear waste which has radioactive components is causing a tough challenge to dispose of. In various countries, they have adopted methods like dumping the waste in sealing cans and burying it underground or below the sea bed which is very harmful to the environment and habitats. The radioactive waste has to be treated but without human handling. So we can do it with the help of AIML and data science, where we can program the machinery to carry out the neutralizing process. As there is remains of radiation in the nuclear waste we can use it to form energy resources. Though it's very hard to manage we still haven't found the safest way and the current measures taken to dispose are very uncertain and do not ensure complete safety. Why bury it when we can convert it into some form of energy or useful resource?


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How to Cite
M B, G. 2024. Nuclear Waste Management. IIChE-CHEMCON. (Jul. 2024). DOI: