Classification of Animal Images with modified CNN model

  • Nanda Kishor Jana Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
  • Abir Chowdhury Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
  • Dola Saha Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
  • Chiranjib Dutta Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
  • Ananjan Maiti Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Animal image classification, Deep learning, Convolutional Neural Network


In the age of modern artificial intelligence, new methodologies are evolving day by day for species classification. There is some need for categorization of the animal for the preservation and restoration of species. Due to this, there are several techniques for the identification of animals out of the deep learning methods that are most useful for animal classification for their images. In this study, the modified and improved convolutional neural network (CNN) has been employed. This study is the identification methodologies of the ten animals which are cat, dog, tiger, lion, sheep, rhino, cheetah, elephant, squirrel, and panda. These animals need to be identified by the artificial intelligence-based system for the large-scale preservation system and the accuracy obtained by the modified CNN is this. In the future, this study is going to evolve deep learning for human-less classification systems and this study will maintain the balance between the machine and animals in restricted areas that humans can’t reach there. Animal classification is one of the core problems in Computer vision. A lot of attention has been associated with Deep Learning, specifically neural networks such as CNN. This animal classification model gives an accuracy of 95%.


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Author Biographies

Nanda Kishor Jana, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology

Department of Computer Applications

Abir Chowdhury, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology

Department of Computer Applications

Dola Saha, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Applications

Chiranjib Dutta, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Applications

Ananjan Maiti, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering


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How to Cite
Jana, N. K.; Chowdhury, A.; Saha, D.; Dutta, C.; Maiti, A. Classification of Animal Images With Modified CNN Model. prepare@u_foset 2022.
12th Inter-University Engineering, Science & Technology Academic Meet – 2022

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