Exploratory Data Analysis on Healthy Lifestyle & World Happiness Report in Asia & Europe

  • Karnapali Mukhopadhyay Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
  • Chandrani Adhikary Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
  • Dola Saha Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
  • Chiranjib Dutta Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
  • Rooprekha Baksi Amity University Kolkata
Keywords: Exploratory Data Analysis, Healthy Lifestyle report, Happiness Reports, Data Science, Correlation Analysis


State of mind and lifestyle have been affected due to COVID -19 pandemic. There has been a certain impact on daily lifestyles. There is one the metrics like happiness index, to be one portion to exhibits that each country has an indicator which affects each other. This indicator is required to understand the impact of the happiness index and lifestyles. In the dataset, it is necessary to explore, analyze, and visualize to give knowledge about the citizens of Asia & Europe. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) has been utilized for further investigations. These works explore happiness reports and lifestyles in the Asia & Europe region using a combined dataset of World Happiness Report 2020 & Healthy Lifestyle report 2021. The result describes and discusses the datasets using a table with correlation score, correlation analysis, and heat map-plotting visualization. In the future, this study will further investigate different regions with artificial intelligence models.


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Author Biographies

Karnapali Mukhopadhyay, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology

Department of Computer Applications

Chandrani Adhikary, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology

Deptartment  of Computer Applications

Dola Saha, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Applications

Chiranjib Dutta, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Applications

Rooprekha Baksi, Amity University Kolkata

Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences


Riyantoko, P. A. (2020). Southeast Asia Happiness Report in 2020 Using Exploratory Data Analysis. Ijconsist Journals, 2(1), 16-21.

Kaggle data source:https://www.lenstore.co.uk/research/healthy-lifestyle-report/

Nanath, K., Balasubramanian, S., Shukla, V., Islam, N., & Kaitheri, S. (2022). Developing a mental health index using a machine learning approach: Assessing the impact of mobility and lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic. Technological forecasting and social change, 178, 121560.

How to Cite
Mukhopadhyay, K.; Adhikary, C.; Saha, D.; Dutta, C.; Baksi, R. Exploratory Data Analysis on Healthy Lifestyle & World Happiness Report in Asia & Europe. prepare@u_foset 2022.
12th Inter-University Engineering, Science & Technology Academic Meet – 2022

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