Application of Fly Ash Cenosphere in Cement Composites: A Comprehensive Review
Fly ash cenosphere (FAC) is an abundantly produced waste material generated from the coal based thermal power plants in India. Its utilization has received a great deal of attention over the past two decades as sustainable solutions to disposal problems. The lightweight nature of the FAC makes it suitable for the design of light weight composite materials. A range of different composites have been evaluated starting from its incorporation into polymers and resins to concrete composite. This paper reviews the past works/research carried out on the use of FAC as a substitute of fine-grained aggregate in cement composite. The exhaustive overview on the utilization of cenosphere in cement composite include effect of FAC on the properties of cement composite such as density, workability, flexural strength, compressive strength, tensile strength, acoustic property, thermal conductivity etc. It is also concluded that the FAC can be utilized in cement composite without compromising the strength of the structures.
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Copyright (c) 2021 S.K. Patel, Chitta Ranjan Mohanty, A.N. Nayak

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