In the present global market, the competition is not between the companies but between the supply chains. Whereas delays are common in construction projects. The occurrence of delays in construction projects is common and significantly affects in various ways. Delays in supply of materials and material shortage are some of the most important factors that cause delays in construction project delivery globally. The critical effects of delay investigated are cost overruns, time overrun, and termination of the contract, arbitration, and litigation. Delay management in the construction industry is the main factor responsible for delays in the construction of projects and the growing rate of project delay is directly affecting the timely delivery of construction project. This study evaluates the effect of delay on the construction of projects and remedial measures to prevent the delay in construction. The aim of this study is to identify the effect of delays on the completion of projects & time of execution. And find the actual causes of project delay delivery factors that affect the supply chain management (SCM), then carrying out the quantitative analysis using a questionnaire survey among contractors, engineers, and suppliers by using the Relative Importance Index (RII) Method. All factors affecting SCM have been ranked using RII Method using the response acquired respondent.
Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Delay, Relative Important Index, SPSS Software.
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