Preliminary Prototype and Analysis of a Customized Handle for Winding Machine using Fused Filament Fabrication
Additive manufacturing transformed the prospect of product development. Customized and individualized product development never be so effortless. In this context, aim here is to develop a preliminary prototype of customized handle for winding machine using in handloom industry. Design of the handle is completed according to the hand anthropometric data of workers. CATIA V5R20 is used for 3D modeling and Analysis. Polylactic Acid (PLA) used as material and FlashForge Dreamer Additive Manufacturing (AM) machine, which works based Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) is employed for prototyping. Analysis confirms that the design using PLA material is safe as maximum von Moses stress obtained (6.57 x 104 N/m2) is less than the yield strength of PLA material (4.9 x 107 N/m2).
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