Falls are among the most common causes of serious work related injuries and deaths. The safety guideline aims to ensure safety while working at height (more than 1.8 meter height) and protection from fall. The development of a national occupational health scheme that will allow the construction industry to both monitor the occupational health status of its workforce and also make a step-change in the health improvement of its two million plus workers is a challenging, yet achievable objective. There is a definite commitment to the ‘idea’ of a national scheme but progressive steps toward its implementation need to be taken carefully to ensure that all of the stakeholders needs are considered. The main issues to be addressed are securing the support of the quality providers within the occupational health community to inevitably change some of their working practices and systems; ensuring that any scheme caters for all sizes of construction company and not just those with the financial resource to deliver on IT based solutions; and ensuring that the data held is both managed in accordance with legal requirements and is subject to appropriate quality assurance. Looking to seriousness and criticality of working at height job in OIL REFINERY like various critical jobs like we deals in day in and out like stacks painting of more than 100 mtrs, scaffolding erection, Flare line replacement,FCCU stack monitoring or any type of critical erection activities etc. These all are very critical activities we perform as and when required and during plant shutdown. Working at Height job is one of the critical activity and not everybody is fit or competent for working at Height job .Some may have acrophobia or height phobia ,contract worker engaged in WAH job are deployed after medical fitness certificate from competent authority i.e. Doctor. Depend upon health and competency of workers are given training and then tested on Vertigo model which is in-house design and developed by us to overcome this critical job related issue.
2) Draft Safety Code For Iron & Steel Sector-Ministry Of Steel,GoI
3) Acrophobia and Pathological Height Vertigo: Indications for Vestibular Physical Therapy? Susan L Whitney, Rolf G Jacob, Patrick J Sparto, Ellen F Olshansky, Gail Detweiler-Shostak, Emily L Brown, Joseph M Furman
4) Dix-Hallpike Test for Vertigo
5) Health and Safety at Work Act (1974).
6) AERB Safety guidelines (AERB/SG/IS-4).
Copyright (c) 2021 Ananta Jairamji Bhende

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