The optimal selection of machining parameters by TOPSIS method during machining of Inconel 718 (superalloy)
Inconel 718
The Inconel 718 (superalloy) was machined by using the Tungalloy made tool insert (SNMG 120408 rake =6o, φ=75o). The dry turning was performed in a lathe. The experiments were arranged according to the (Taguchi’s) L9 orthogonal array. The speed, feed and depth of cut (doc) were the input process parameters. The surface roughness (Ra) and chip reduction coefficient (CRC) were the objectives. The collected chips were examined under the scanning electron microscope. The optimal combination of process parameters was identified by using the TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution) method. All steps of the TOPSIS method were incorporated for the analysis. The optimum condition (rank1) was attained at the speed of 70 m/min., the feed of 0.06 mm/rev., and the depth of cut (doc) of 1 mm. The ANOVA for surface roughness indicated the higher percentage contribution (50.34%) by the feed. The ANOVA for CRC showed the higher percentage contribution (49.23%) by the speed. The optimal result obtained by using the TOPSIS method was validated by the macroscopic study with the type of chips. The validation study was further explored with reference to the SEM examination of chip surfaces.
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