A Novel RDRA for Primitive Detection of Breast Cancer in Women for Varying Mammographic Densities
Demand for efficient sensors have increased due to evolution of 5 G and IoT technologies. Sensors are labelled as prominent tools to analyze biological and physiological conditions of human body for prognosis and diagnostic purposes. Currently, wide band radio sensor technology is gaining momentum to be used as a sensor for primitive stage breast cancer detection. In this research work, a RDRA is proposed as key sensor part which leads to design of smart data acquisition system. Rectangular DRA resonates for a frequency range of 2.9-4.7 GHz (48% Impedance bandwidth) which lies in the Lower European frequency band. Peak gain of 4dB is obtained through proposed antenna. High radiation efficiency, compact size of the antenna makes it perfectly suitable to be employed as a sensor for early breast cancer detection. Proposed antenna can be integrated with wide band wireless communication for Wi-Fi and LTE communication and Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) applications as well.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Parikshit Vasisht, Taruna Sharma, Sudhakar Ranjan, Manpreet Singh Sehgal, Moin Uddin

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