Analysis of Foaming Properties of Mango Pulp for Foam-mat Drying: Impact of Egg Albumin Concentration and Whipping Time
Foaming Properties of Mango Pulp for Foam-mat Drying
Recently, foam-mat drying becoming an essential technology for drying fruits and vegetables because simple, cost-effective, rapid drying, suitable for drying viscous materials, retaining the food values, and less thermal degradation. The functional features of this drying, such as foam expansion, stability and density, are playing a significant role in improving moisture transfer rate and product quality. In this study, the influence of egg albumin concentration and whipping time on the foaming properties of mango pulp was investigated. The egg albumin concentrations of 5, 10, 15 and 20% were added with mango pulp and then whipped using a hand blender at maximum speed. The foaming properties were tested at whipping time intervals of 5, 10 and 15 min. The results showed that the volume of foam increased significantly, whereas decreased foam density with increasing the concentrations of egg albumin. The maximum foam expansion of 104.6%, minimum foam density of 0.447 g/cm3 and highest foam stability of 91.87% was obtained at 15% egg albumin concentration at a whipping time of 15 min. The foam received in this condition was stable up to 210 min.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Palani Kandasamy, Aman Kumar, Ivi Chakraborty

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