Post buckling analysis of silicon microneedle
The microneedle is used to deliver the drug into the human skin structure. During the insertion process, the microneedle can travel up to the dermis layer through the stratum corneum and epidermis layer. The microneedle tends to critically buckle when the applied load achieves the maximum buckling load. To avoid structural failure of the microneedle, the critical load is identified and safely applied. In this paper, the critical buckling load is calculated from the linear and non-linear buckling analysis. The critical load for linear buckling analysis is found to be 263.7µN. The non-linear or post-buckling analysis is performed for the load of 263.7µN and the critical load is found to be 149µN. Thus for silicon microneedle, the critical load is identified as 149µN. Henceforth for silicon microneedle, the applied load should always be lesser than the critical buckling load for safe insertion.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ashok Kumar, Gnanavel BK, Radhika Karnal

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