Comparative Study of Concrete made using Rice Husk Ash, Rice Straw Ash and Bamboo Leaf Ash
In order to negate the effect of cement production, many researchers are studying the use of different industrial and agricultural wastes to develop sustainable concrete. Among them, Rice husk ash (RSA), Rice straw ash (RSA) and Bamboo leaf ash (BLA) are used for partial cement replacement. This paper gives the comparative study of the specific gravity, chemical compositions, compressive strength, tensile strength and sorptivity of concrete made using RHA, RSA and BLA. A few papers have been referred where the cement contents in concrete have been replaced by 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of its total weight by RHA, RSA and BLA. The values of compressive strength, tensile strength and sorptivity developed at 28 days of curing are used for this study. Highest value of compressive strength is observed when 15% of the total weight of cement is replaced by RHA, followed by 10% BLA concrete and then by 5% BLA concrete. Highest value of tensile strength is observed at 15% RHA concrete, followed by 15% RSA concrete and then by 10% BLA concrete. Lowest value of sorptivity is observed when 15% of the total weight of cement is replaced by BLA.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rajiv Sharma Leihaothabam, Khwairakpam Sachidananda

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