Numerical Analysis of High Temperature Low Sag Conductor
The conductors that can embrace high temperature low sag characteristics are known as HTLS conductors. The coefficient of thermal expansion of High temperature low sag conductor is lesser than that of conventional conductors. This thereby result in reduced sag with high rating. Among some HTLS conductor accessible, the Aluminium Conductor Composite Core (ACCC) conductor has light weight inner composite core. The geometric model of ACCC/TW conductor is modelled and analyzed using finite element analysis. The ACC/TW conductor is composed of inner composite core surrounded by two aluminium layers wound in clockwise and anti-clock wise direction. The inner composite core is made of glass carbon composite material. The core is surround by first layer consisting of 8 individual strands wound in clockwise direction. The second layer consisting of 14 individual aluminium strands wound in anticlockwise direction. In this paper, the individual core and assembled conductor is analyzed using FEA software to predict the behavior under loading conditions. The attained outcomes are validated with the experimental work reported in the literature.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Boopathy S, Gnanavel BK, Radhika Karnal

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