Solar Based Bi-Directional Electric Vehicle Charger
Electric vehicle is an emerging as a solution for the problems caused by the vehicles which are powered by fossil fuels. The adaptability of Electric Vehicle (EV) depends on the charging infrastructure. This paper proposes a solar based bidirectional electric vehicle charger is designed which integrates the solar array directly on the DC bus of the charger. It is a two stage charger which consists of a bidirectional AC-DC converter followed by a bidirectional DC-DC converter. The EV battery gets charged using the solar power or grid power. The solar or the battery power is also feed to the grid. The charger works in both G2V and V2G mode. In this charger both the converters shares a common DC link capacitor. The bidirectional AC-DC converter acts as a rectifier in G2V mode and as an inverter in V2G mode. The DC-DC converter acts as a buck converter in G2V mode. During the V2G mode the DC-DC converter acts as a boost converter to raise the voltage of the battery to the sufficient DC link voltage. DQ control is implemented for bidirectional AC-DC converter and PI controller is used to control the bidirectional DC-DC converter. The charger is designed for a single phase 230 V, 50 Hz supply and for a load of 300 V, 66 Ah. The charger is designed and simulated using MATLAB simulink software. The results of the simulation are used to validate the design and control of the proposed charger.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Sampathraja Natarajan, Ashok Kumar Loganathan, Jishnu Viswanathan

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