Comparison of Properties of SA 213 T 12 Tube Weldments by GTAW, ATIG, P-GMAW and Alternating Shielding Gas GMAW

Keywords: T 12, P GMAW, ATIG, GMAW, Alternating Shielding Gas, Power plants



The composition SA 213 T 12 chrome moly alloy steel Tubes make it ideal for use in power plants, refineries, Petro-chemical plants, and oil field services where fluids and gases are transported at extremely high temperatures and pressures.  These tubes offer the advantages like Consistent Workability, Preferred Fabrication and  better Mechanical Properties.  These tubes are often used in the water wall tubes, reheater tubes and super heater tubes of super critical and ultra-super critical boilers.  Conventionally, Pulsed Gas Metal Arc Welding (P - GMAW) and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) processes are used to join these tubes. Activated TIG (ATIG) and Alternating Shielding Gas GMAW (A – GMAW) are the emerging processes for higher quality and productivity.  This paper compares the properties of weldments of SA 213 T 12 tubes welded by the above processes.



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Author Biographies


Consultant & Former Dy GM

Ms Santha, BHEL, Tiruchirappalli

Addl. GM (WRI & Labs)

Dr. A. RAJA, WRI, Tiruchirappalli

Consultant & Former Addl. GM.


C. Balamurugan, Dr. A. Raja, Dr. K. L. Rohira, Dr. Ashfaq. “Tube butt welding using GMAW with alternating shielding gases”. IIW Annual Assembly, 2011

P V D Ramesh, N Rajasekaran, A. Santhakumari & Dr A Raja. “Establishment of Activated TIG Welding Technology for Tube to Tube Joining Applications”. Seminar on ‘Roadmap for Excellence in Welding”, 19-20 November 2010 by IWS at New Delhi.

How to Cite
NAINIAPPAN, R., A, S., & Arasan, R. (2021). Comparison of Properties of SA 213 T 12 Tube Weldments by GTAW, ATIG, P-GMAW and Alternating Shielding Gas GMAW. PREPARE@u® | IEI Conferences.
- 36.IEC | Mechanical Engineering