Electric Vehicle Charging landscape aiming for Self Reliant India

Keywords: Electric Vehicle, Battery Swapping, Rating


One of the revolutionizing global strategies for the de-carbonization of the transport sector is the transition to electric mobility. India is amongst the few countries that propagate the global EV30@30 campaign, targeting to have at least 30% new electric vehicles by the year 2030. An essential pre-requisite to achieve this ambitious transition comprises of accessible & robust network of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure for which the Government of India has enabled various policies to promote the development of the charging network. However, in view of the present scenario of this new infrastructure type, there is  a need  for customizing to the Indian transport system along with building capacity among stakeholders to support the  on-ground expansion. This paper aims at giving the efficient & timely implementation of electric vehicle charging structure ensuring proper integration of transportation & supply networks.


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Author Biography

Priyabrata Pradhan, HPCL

Sr Manager


Chan,C.C. (2013),“The rise & fall of electric vehicles in 1828-1932: Lessons learned”, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 101 No. 1

Yan, Q.& Kezunovic, M.‘‘Impact analysis of electric vehicle charging on distribution system,’’ in Proc. North Amer. Power Symp. (NAPS), Sep. 2012

Status quo analysis of various segments of electric mobility and low carbon passenger road transport in India by NITI Aayog.

How to Cite
Pradhan, P. (2021). Electric Vehicle Charging landscape aiming for Self Reliant India. PREPARE@u® | IEI Conferences. https://doi.org/10.36375/prepare_u.iei.a210
- 36.IEC | Electrical Engineering