Supraharmonics in the Electric Power Grid: Detection and Measurement in Textile Industry
Solar and wind energy technologies, as well as smart grids, have gotten a lot of attention lately in the electric power distribution system. With the help of power electronics equipment, it is possible to convert energy from renewable energy sources into electrical power. The power electronics technologies have resulted in the discovery of new emissions that occur in the frequency range of 2 to 150 kHz, which is outside of the conventional power quality frequency range. Supraharmonics is the term used to describe these emissions, which are found all over the planet (SH). As a result, these emissions have a significant negative influence on the power quality and lifespan of the electrical distribution system. In the textile business, inverters are used to modernise the machines in accordance with the process requirements. In the home, inverters are being used in air conditioners, refrigerators, and ceiling fans to reduce power usage. In addition, solar panels are becoming increasingly popular as a means of transitioning to a more environmentally friendly energy source, with inverters being used to convert the DC voltage to the alternating current. Due to these factors, conductive emission occurs in the frequency range of 2kHz to 150kHz, which is referred to as Supraharmonics. Interference sources, victims, and consequences are addressed in detail.
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