SSR Stability Analysis and Modeling for DFIG Connected to Series Compensated Transmission Line
Due to the massive increase in electrical energy demand, wind power penetration into electric networks is increasing. Usually, the wind farms are located away from the grid, necessitating a series compensated transmission system. Series compensation is always prone to sub-synchronous resonance (SSR), which may lead to the torsional interactions resulting T-G shaft fatigue and associated protection system. In this paper, a modified IEEE first Benchmark Model is used for SSR analysis. A doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) has been considered supplying power to the grid through a series compensated transmission line. The dynamics of the Rotor Side Converter (RSC) and the Grid Side Converter (GSC) is used to model the DFIG. Thus, it can generate a significant impact in system dynamics. However, previous works have considered a constant voltage source model for RSC and GSC. Therefore, consequently these models are not capable of replicating the dynamic impact of SSR for some critical factors. The inclusion of GSC and RSC modeling in analysis reflects dynamics that are more accurate. The eigenvalue analysis has been used to study the impact of SSR under different operating situations, for instance, wind speed fluctuations and varying the series compensation. To validate the analysis, time-domain simulations have been carried out by using MATLAB.
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