Design analysis of electric two wheeler frame

  • Devendra Vashist Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies
  • Nikhil Manav Rachna International Institute of research and studies
  • Mr Gaurang Tomar Manav Rachna International Institute of research and studies
  • Aayush Shadija Manav Rachna International Institute of research and studies
Keywords: Electric Vehicles, Motorcycle, Design, Chassis, Steel ASTM A913, Aluminum 7075


The motorcycle frame is one of the major component. It provides vehicle rigidity and strength when the two wheeler is in motion with any road condition. It links various parts of the vehicle system and holds them together. The present study includes modelling of the frame as per structural and ergonomics considerations. The design constraints are governed by loads acting on the frame through front and rear suspension, steering, transmission system and assembly sub systems. The study includes the stress analysis of the designed frame using finite element analysis software (Autodesk fusion 360) for reduced weight without affecting structural strength. Results indicate that a reduction of 20kg (33% weight) can be achieved for a conventional available frame having 60Kg weight. This overall reduced the cost is achieved by selecting proper material and making changes in design. The designed frame can sustain a load of 300Kg / 2943N with safety factor 15.


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Author Biographies

Devendra Vashist, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies

Department of Automobile Engineering

Nikhil, Manav Rachna International Institute of research and studies


Automobile Engineering Department

Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and studies

Mr Gaurang Tomar, Manav Rachna International Institute of research and studies
Student (Automobile Engineering)

FET, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies

Aayush Shadija, Manav Rachna International Institute of research and studies
Student (Automobile Engineering)

FET, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies


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How to Cite
Vashist, D., Singh, N., Tomar, G., & Shadija , A. S. (2021). Design analysis of electric two wheeler frame. PREPARE@u® | IEI Conferences.
- 36.IEC | Mechanical Engineering