Overview of Wet Flue Gas Desulphurisation System & Condensate Flow Study in view of new stringent environment regulations for fossil fuel based power plants in India
In this article a general review of recent environment norms given by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Government of India to control the SO2 emission generated from fossil-fuel based power plants is discussed. The leading technology for sulphur dioxide reduction i.e. limestone based Wet Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) owing to its high desulphurisation efficiency and long term stability is reviewed. Issues like corrosion problem to the inner side of the stack wall, stack liquid discharge and plume downwash are presented. It can be stated that selection of liner material for chimney is a critical aspect while considering the wet FGD. Effect of condensate on liner material is analyzed to provide insights into selection of liner material for chimney operated under wet FGD. This work also includes the review of Condensate Flow Study (CFS) required to know the effect of acid condensation and presents viable means to minimise the effect of acid condensation by providing suitable condensate collection system.
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