Technical Education A Brief History And Continual Development Of Polytechnic Education In West Bengal.
In 1757, the battle of Plassey gave the Britishers unique opportunity to change their status from commercial traders to colonizers. Thus Britain’s relations with India underwent a drastic qualitative change. Britain gradually captured the political power and became the rulers of this country. To rule any country the rulers should have an intimate knowledge of its topography and resources through physical survey.So in 1794, the English traders established a Survey School at Madras to train Indian personnel in modern land survey to assist British surveyor. The major initiative of starting a new centres of technical education came out of the necessity of the British rulers for training the diddle level technical required for construction and maintenance of public buildings, roads, canals, ports and harbours, railways and other services as well as training artisans and craftsmen in the maintenance of instruments and equipments needed for army, navy and other technical establishments. In 1825 Technical schools were established in Calcutta and Bombay for training the artisans and artificers. These schools were attested to ordinance factories and engineering establishments. Technical education was always on demand when there was crisis like war. natural calamities, change of political power etc. but not in a systematic manner like other education system. So there were some sort of development during the period of world wars. In this process AICTE formed in 1945.
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