The day when the prehistoric man invented fire, the demand of energy started; at the same time environmental pollution also started from that day since combustion of fuel generates undesirable greenhouse gas. With the advent of civilization, both energy-crisis and anthropogenic pollution increased. Meanwhile the definition of civilization started changing during the industrial revolution. Life of people changed after industrial revolution and civilization demanded more and more energy every day. To generate such energy from conventional sources, we still have no other alternative than to pollute the environment. Other developmental activities also resulted in pollution of the environment. Consequently the conventional resources for energy generation are depleted and at the same time environment deteriorates. People started getting aware about the environment since 1980s. There are several remedial solutions for environmental problems using advanced technologies, but most of them, once again, need huge energy. For example, we have to boil water to get rid of the pathogens, we have to switch on UV lamps for detoxification of water. In an effluent-treatment plant there are pumps and other equipment that need energy. This is therefore a vicious cycle and to break the cycle, we must use renewable energy for environmental remediation.
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