Hybrid Technology for Smart Housing Complex Using Nonconventional Energy
The issue of green energy articulates the contours of the vision for a renewable energy grand plan for domestic usage in India. A renewable energy has suddenly become hot in India for last decade. However the vision of 100% renewable future is still anathema to many policy makers. They continue to live in the old world of fossil fuels in which they grow up. The develop world has begun to embrace a renewable future plans are afoot to achieve it by 2050. The application of renewable energy in a smart housing complex accelerates the transmission to low carbon energy system. Judicious control using embedded version gives a sizeable mileage to energy conservation. A grand plan of such housing complex has been extracted to enhance the support in Indian scenario grand plan for energy security gives the acceleration for deployment of control on the multi various renewable sources and assimilate them in common platform of power system make a clean hazard free and energy conservation attributes using smart technology. This is lifting the financial wall removal for our country.
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