Spam E-mail classification using Machine Learning techniques

  • Sharika Anjum Mondal Amity University Kolkata
  • Koustav Pal Amity University Kolkata
  • Kalyan Chatterjee Amity University Kolkata
  • Sayanti Banerjee Amity University Kolkata
Keywords: E-mail classification, Machine learning algorithms, classifier, Naïve-byes


In today’s world, bulk of emails is received by every individual out of which many fraudulent or spam emails are also present. The task of a good email service provider is to create an algorithm so that such fraudulent or spam messages are automatically detected and then they are sent to the spam folder. In this paper, the authors proposed a novel technique by which this sorting of email can be done automatically. Using machine learning method, the authors implemented a method in which spam mail and fraudulent messages have been successfully detected and those mails have been sent to the spam folder of the mailbox. The authors, in this paper, presented the description of the algorithm along with the test results.  


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Author Biographies

Koustav Pal, Amity University Kolkata

B. Tech student of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department.

Kalyan Chatterjee, Amity University Kolkata

Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Sayanti Banerjee, Amity University Kolkata

Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


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How to Cite
Mondal, S. A., Pal, K., Chatterjee, K., & Banerjee, S. (2020). Spam E-mail classification using Machine Learning techniques. PREPARE@u® | General Preprint Services, 1(1).
Seminar / Conference Paper