This paper reviews the challenges in water supply system, development and distribution of systems to manage water quality, leakages and contamination of drinking water in transmission network and managing pipeline network. Nowadays the wireless communication system is trending because of it’s impact in the field of healthcare, agriculture, safety measurements where as it plays the decisive role for developing the monitoring of systems. Water distribution systems made up of networks of pipes which can be in poor states of repair that are buried beneath our streets and relatively inaccessible. So to manage these systems the reliable data is needed to understand and detect water losses due to leaks or burst events, abnormality in the control of water quality. In this paper, we present a system to monitor the supply of water by the implementation of IoT. We detect the leakage using flow meter. The usage and wastage of water is tracked by the sensors and an alerter is used to notify the user if there is any contamination in drinking water. This proposed water supplying monitoring system will help the users to track and manage the supplying system, to evacuate the residue of chlorine left where as to distribute water equally in all the places.
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Copyright (c) 2020 DIBYENDU SUR, Sanjukta Podder, Nishita Paik, Sashwati Rang, Debarpita Bhowmik, Debdutta Bhowmik

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