Use of Piper Betel to combat COVID19
Chymotrypsin like protease is a ratified target in the design of potential anticoronavirus inhibitor. In a recent research conducted by TCS, India 31 molecules out of 1600000 have been identified as the most effective protease inhibitors against COVID 19. One of those is Aurantiamide, a plant constituent derived from ‘Piper aurantiacum‘, mostly available in India, Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand and other Asian countries. Still the process is under in vitro state. This “Aurantiamide” in the form of Aurantiamide acetate has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities as yet traced. The combined application of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin is reported as a treatment of COVID 19 till now. This article is on the usage of Piper Betel leaf as a potential herbal medicine to grow human body’s self defence mechanism against either the reception of such pathogens or in viral load reduction of affected patients.
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Piper Betel leaf – Topic by
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